Plan Change 7 - Rotokauri North was made operative on Friday 15 July 2022 in accordance with the First Schedule of the RMA. The plan change has been incorporated into the Operative District Plan.

Council seal.

Hamilton City Council limited notified Plan Change 7 – Rotokauri North Private Plan Change on 21 February 2020 for submissions. The further submission period was open from 20 November to 18 December 2020. Decisions were notified on 11 March 2022.

What does Plan Change 7 cover?

The private plan change applies to approximately 140ha of land in Hamilton's north west, at the northern end of the Rotokauri Structure Plan. The land is currently zoned Future Urban and seeks to enable urban development.

The key elements of the plan change include:

  • An approximately 137ha Medium Density Res​idential zone. This could enable up to 2000 residential units comprising a mixture of single dwellings, duplex dwellings, terraced houses and ancillary dwellings.
  • Approximately 1 hectare of Business 6 zone for the development of a Neighbourhood Centre, which could include small neighbourhood shops, cafes, or other similar activities.
  • The existing Significant Natural Area will be retained (approximately 1.2 hectares).

Where are we now?

Feb 2020

Limited notification and submissions.

Late 2020

Further submissions invited.

Oct 2021

Hearings (you can speak to your submission in person).

Mar 2022

Notification of the decisions.

July 2022

Plan change operative and the new rules come into effect.


The Hearings Panel issued decisions on Private Plan Change 7 which were notified on 11 March 2022. The decisions are subject to an appeal period of 30 working days.

Commissioners Decision
​Appendix 1 - Decisions on Submissions and Further Submissions
Appendix 2 - Rotokauri North District Plan Chapter Provisions
Chapter 3 - Structure Plans
Chapter 4 - Residential Zones
Chapter 23 - Subdivision
Chapter 25 - Three Waters and Transportation
Appendix 1 - District Plan Administration
Appendix 2 - Structure Plans
Appendix 9 - Natural Environments
Appendix 15 - Transportation
Appendix 17 - Planning Maps


Applicants Right of Reply - 19 November 2021

Reply Submissions for Green Seed Consultants Limited [224KB]
Annexure A - Map of submitter properties who attended PC7 hearing [279KB]
Annexure B - Further Reply Evidence - Traffic - L  Hills [118KB]
Annexure C1 - Chapter 3 - Structure Plans (markup) [1.85MB]
​​Annexure C2 - Chapter 3 - Structure Plans (clean) [1.7MB]
​​Annexure C3 - Appendix 1 - District Plan Administration (markup) [8MB]
​​Annexure C4 - Appendix 1 - District Plan Administration (clean) [8MB]
​​Annexure D - Tollemache Consulting Notification Assessment April 2019 [1.3MB]
​​Annexure E - Further Reply Evidence - Planning - Fraser-Smith & Tollemache [186KB]


Hearing Live Stream & Recordings

Day 2 - Part 2 - Afternoon
Day 2 - Part 1 - Morning 

Day 1 - Part 1 - 10am - Lunch  
Day 1 - Part 2 - Afternoon

Hearing Statement of Submitters

Heather Perring on behalf of Landowner Submitters
Kay Moroney Statement
Catherine Thorley Statement

Summary Statements of s42A Technical Experts

Summary Statement of Caleb Clarke 
​​Summary Statement of Christopher Hardy
​​Summary Statement of David Mansergh
​​Summary Statement of John Turner
​​Summary Statement of Colin Hattingh
​​Summary Statement of Geoffrey Farquhar
​​Summary Statement of Remalia Sharplin
​​Summary Statement of Adam Gray 
​​Summary Statement of Alexy Simmons
​​Summary Statement of Craig Sharman
Summary Statement of Alastair Black

Applicants Supplementary Reply Evidence and Requested Material

Supplementary reply evidence of Leo Hills - Traffic
​Supplementary reply evidence of Mark Tollemache & Renee Fraser-Smith - Planning
Transport Triggers - Comparison 1
​Transport Triggers - Comparison 2

Submitters Statements

​M and K Moroney Statement [3MB]

Hearing Evidence 

​Day 1 - 20 October 2021

​Applicants Summary Statement - Planning - R Fraser-Smith & M Tollemache
​Applicants Summary Statement - Traffic - L Hills

Legal Submissions

Legal submission of behalf of Green Seed Consultants Limited

Applicant's Rebuttal Evidence

Reply Statement of Evidence - Leo Hills- Traffic
Reply Statement of Evidence - Renee Fraser-Smith & Mark Tollemache - Planning
Planning Annexure A​
Chapter 3 - Structure Plans - Clean
Chapter 3 - Structure Plans - Markup​
Chapter 4 - Residential Zones - Clean
Chapter 4 - Residential Zones - Markup
Chapter 23 - Subdivision - Clean
​​Chapter 23 - Subdivision - Markup
Chapter 25 - City Wide Provisions - Clean
Chapter 25 - City Wide Provisions - Markup
Appendix 1 - District Plan Administration - Clean
​Appendix 1 - District Plan Administration - Markup
Appendix 2 - Structure Plans
​Appendix 9 - Natural Environments
Appendix 15 - Transportation
Planning Annexure B

Submitter Evidence

Mark & Kay Moroney & Landowners - Heather Perring [743KB]
Waikato Regional Council [297KB]
​Waka Kotahi - Mike Wood [133KB]
Waka Kotahi - Duncan Tindall [277KB]

Applicant's Evidence

 Memorandum of Counsel [182KB]
​Gary Noland - Corporate [139KB]
​​Ian Munro - Urban Design [3.75MB]
​​Leo Hills - Traffic [1.55MB]
​​Tim Heath - Economics [115KB]
​​Rob Pryor - Landscape [3.2MB]
​​Eugene Vodjansky - Three Waters Infrastructure [397KB]
Three Waters - ​Appendix 1 [1.86MB]
​Three Waters - Appendix 2 [4.92MB]
​​Arden Cruickshank - Archaeology [110KB]
​​Andrew Holland - Geology [105KB]
Geotech - Annexure A [11.6MB]
Geotech - ​Annexure B [11.1MB]
​Terre Nicholson - Contamination [822KB]
​​Dean Miller - Ecology [341KB]
​​Norman Hill - Cultural [146KB]
​Bernie Milne - Surveying [208KB]
​​Mark Tollemache/Renee Fraser-Smith - Planning [598KB]
HDODP Chapter 3 - Structure Plans [2.44MB]
HDODP Chapter 4 - Residential Zone [1.34MB]
​HDODP Chapter 23 - Subdivision [560KB]
​HDODP Chapter 25 - City Wide [1.84MB]
​​HDODP Appendix 1 - District Plan Administration [6.64MB]
​Attachment A - Transport Triggers [232KB]
Attachment B - Public Transport [440KB]
Attachment C - Landscape and Ecology [159KB]
​Attachment D - Stormwater [143KB]
Attachment E - Neighbourhood Parks [114KB]
​Attachment F - Rear Lands and Unit Titles [171KB]

Joint Witness Statement

Joint Witness Statement of Experts in relation to Stormwater and Planning - 21 September 2021
Joint Witness Statement of Experts in relation to Transport and Planning - 21 September 2021
Joint Witness Statement of Experts in relation to Transport and Planning - 5 October 2021
Joint Witness Statement of Experts in relation to Planning - 6 October 2021
Joint Witness Statement of Experts in relation to Transport and Planning - 12 October 2021
Joint Witness Statement of Experts in relation to Transport and planning - 14 October 2021

Section 42A Hearing Report

It has come to the attention of Council that the version of Chapter 3: Structure Plans uploaded to the website on 10 September as part of Appendix B to the section 42A report was an earlier version of the document.  Accordingly, on the 22 September, Chapter 3: Structure Plans (as originally intended to have been uploaded) has now been uploaded and the below link to Chapter 3 now replaces the earlier version. A table outlining the differences between the two versions can be viewed here. If any parties have a concern on this matter it should be submitted to the hearing panel for consideration.

Section 42A Hearing Report [1.62MB]
Appendix A - Summary of Submissions Received [763KB]
​Appendix B - Track change District Plan Chapters
Chapter 3 - Structure Plans [1.31MB]
Chapter 4 - Residential Zones [970KB]
Chapter 23 - Subdivision [453KB]
Chapter 25 - City Wide Provisions [1.26MB]
Appendix 1 - District Plan Administration [3.56MB]
Appendix 2 - Structure Plans [2.18MB]
Appendix 9 - Natural Environments [404KB]
​Appendix 15 - Transportation [1.67MB]
Appendix C - Section 32AA Report [583KB]
Appendix D - Supporting Technical Reports [514KB]
Transportation Assessment [2.71MB]
​Stormwater Assessment [558KB]

​Archaeological Assessment [696KB]
​Landscape and Visual Assessment [1.51MB]
Water and Wastewater Assessment [26KB]
Urban Design Assessment [537KB]
Ecological Assessment [113KB]
Geotechnical Assessment [284KB]
Appendix E - Plan Change 7 - Technical Planning and Infrastructure Report [2.52MB]

Commissioner Directions

Commissioner Direction 1 - 6 September 2021
Commissioner Direction 2 - 13 September 2021
Commissioner Direction 3 - 16 September 2021
Commissioner Direction 4 - 23 September 2021
Commissioner Direction 5 - 28 September 2021
Commissioner Direction 6 - 14 October 2021
Commissioner Direction 7 - 15 October 2021
Commissioner Direction 8 - 27 October 2021
Commissioner Direction 9 - 22 November 2021
Commissioner Direction 10 - 21 March 2022

Updated Application - 27 August 2021

The following supplementary information was received on the 27 August 2021. 

​Letter to HCC [148KB]
Sub-Catchment Integrated Catchment Management Plan (ICMP) [2.72MB]
​Attachment J Sub-Catchment ICMP Water and Wastewater System Report [4.66MB]
​Attachment K  Sub-Catchment ICMP Stormwater System Report [6.19MB]
Integrated Transport Assessment Addendum [1.87MB]
​Updated Structure Plan Maps [2.26MB]
Sub-Catchment ICMP Stormwater Peer Review [1.18MB]
​Sub-Catchment ICMP Water and Wastewater Peer Review [690KB]
Rotokauri North Bat Survey Report [1.61MB]


The plan change has been limited notified to directly affected parties, only those parties may make a submission on the plan change. 

Further Submissions

The Further Submission period closed on Friday 18 December 2020​. 

​​Further Submission Number ​​Further Submitter Name
​1 Dennis & Sonia Smith
​2 Gary Martin & Maree Leet [111KB]
​3 ​Orient Europharma (NZ) Co Limited​ [850KB]
​4 Hugh van Asbeck [2MB]​
​5 Lorraine van Asbeck [1.28MB]
​6 Bo Ram Yu [2.84MB]
​7 ​Green Seed Consultants Limited [308KB]
​8​ Kate Mackness​​ [248KB]​

Further Submission Documents

Summary of Submissions​  
​Information Sheet - Making a Further Submission on a Limited Notified Plan Change


Limited notification closed on 23 March 2020. Submissions received​ can be viewed by clicking on the links in the table below. 

​​Submission Number ​Submitter Name
​1 ​​Gary Martin & Maree Leet
​2 Brian & Eleanor Robertson
​3 ​Ministry of Education 
​4 Sung Ho Jung & HA Rim Jung
​5 ​​Phillip Laird
​6 ​Chris Laird
​7 Lance & Karen Managh
​8 ​Tina & Simon Warnock​
​9 Dennis Dove & Diane Godden
​10 Arie & Batami Pundak
​11 Miranda Collinson
​12 Rob & Barbara Barris
​13 ​NZ Transport Agency 
​14 Jennifer McKenzie & Ewen Drysdale
​​15 ​Rotokauri North Tangata Whenua Working Group
​16 Peter & Kerry Santner
​17 ​Jianfeng Zhou
​18 ​Qiong Yang
​19 Lily Investments 372 Exelby Rd
​20 ​Lily Investments 265
​21 Green Seed Holdings Limited 350 Exelby Road
​22 ​Green Seed Holdings Limited 335 Te Kowhai Road
​23 River Garden NZ Ltd
​24​ ​Charles Ma 329 Te Kowhai Road
​25 Kay & Mark Moroney
​26 ​Tania Browning
​27 ​Judith Browning
​28 ​Ann Harvey
​29 Shane and Antonia Withey
​30 Nilesh Kumar & Raksha Singh
​31 ​Shane & Virginia Henderson​
​32 Peter & Christine Frampton
​33 Bruce & Robyn Whittaker
​34 ​Richard Ruske
​35 ​Green Seed Consultants Limited 
​36 Bo Ram Yu​
​37 David and Cathy Dewes 
​38 Callum & Catherine Thorley
​39 Gerard Guzzo
​40 Peter and Julie Caddigan
​41 Josh & Michaela Gill
​42 Stuart Barris
​43 K E Benson 
​44 Jo Stirling 
​45 Glenn Stirling
​46 Julie Caddigan
​47 Meena Powell
​48 Steven Powell
​49 Juanita Martin
​50 Jo Austin
​51 Noelle Bryant
​52 Zachary Pulman-Gaby
​53 Lisa Pullman
​54 Julie Caddigan
​55 Susan Rothery
​56 Paul Rothery
57 Natalie & Dion Ward-Allen
​58 Jennifer McKenzie
​59 Ewen Drysdale
​60 Barry Heerdegen
​61 Dianne Heerdegen
​62 Rebecca Miles
​63 Pae Henry
​64 Hiipora (Sybil) Nelson
​65 Jo & Chris Miles
​66 Lana Miles
​67 Jane & Dave Sole
​68 Martin & Amanda Verhoeven
​69 Murray & Sharyn Stewart
​70 Larissa Underhill
​71 Shane Cowling
​72 Kaya MacMillan​
​73 Stuart & Sue McFarlane
74 Keith & Jennifer Patterson
75 ​E Robertson, J Marsh & J Patterson
76 ​Douglas & Jillian Marsh
77 Hamish & Claire Marsh
Late Submissions​ ​
78 Lorrain​e van Asbeck​
​79 Te Whakakitenga o W​aikato Incorporated​
​​80 Waikato Regiona​l Council

Note: The original​ submission numbering has been amended (23 Sept 2020). 


​Proposed Private Plan Change 7 

The application document and the proposed changes to the District Plan provisions can be viewed by clicking the links in the table below. 

​​​​​Private Plan Change Request and AEE [2MB]
Attachment 1 - Acronym Table [54KB]
​Attachment 2 - Locality Diagrams [2MB]​
Attachment 3 - CT's [9.2MB]
​Attachment 4 - District Plan Provisions​ (amendments are shown in Blue as track changes)​ ​
Chapte​r 3 - St​ructure Plans [3.4MB]
​​ ​ Chapter 4 - Residential [2MB]
​ ​ ​Chapter 23 - Subdivision [557KB]
​ ​ Chapter 25 - City Wide [2.8MB]
​ ​ ​Appendix 1 - District Plan Administration [11.2MB]
​ ​ Appendix 2 - Structure Plans​ [9.1MB]
​ ​ ​​Appendix 9 - Natural Environments [660KB]
​ ​ ​​Appendix 15 - Transportation​ [7.8MB]​
​ ​ ​​Appendix 17 - Planning Maps​ [15.4MB]
Attachment 5 - Section 32 Assessment​ [728KB]
​ ​Attachment 6 - Archaeological Assessment [1.2MB]
​ ​​Attachment 7 - Geotechnical Assessment​ [2.5MB]
​ ​Attachment 8 - Contamination Assessment​ [5MB]
​ ​Attachment 9 - ICMP Assessment​ [3MB]
​ ​​​ Attachment A - Rotokauri North Catchment Stormwater Modelling Report [8MB]​
​ ​ ​Attachment B - Flood Impact Assessment Memorandum [9.3MB]
​ ​ ​​Attachment C​ - Stream Classifications [2.1MB]
​ ​ ​​Attachment D - Receiving Environment & Rapid Erosion [9.4MB]
​ ​ ​​Attachment E - Archaeology​ [1.2MB]
​ ​ ​​Attachment F - Geotechnical [7.5MB]
​ ​ ​​Attachment G - Geotechnical(2) [450KB]
​ ​ Attachment H - Contamination [5MB]
​ ​ ​​Attachment I - Groundwater [413KB]
​ ​ ​​Attachment J - Stormwater MUSIC Modelling [16.2MB]
​ ​ ​​Attachment K - Water and Wastewater Servicing [4.5MB]​
​ ​ ​​Attachment L - Catchment Modelling Report​ [4.6MB]
​ ​Attachment 10 - Groundwater Assessment​​ [413KB]
​ ​Attachment 11 - Stream Classification​​​​​​​​​​​ [2.1MB]
​ Attachment 12 - Receiving Environment and Rapid Erosion Assessment [9.4MB]
​ ​Attachment 13 - Integrated Transport Assessment [3MB]
​ ​Attachment 14 - Economic Assessment​ [1.5MB]
 ​Attachment 15 - Urban Design Assessment [11.2MB]
Attachment 16 - Infrastructure Report [9.5MB]
​ ​Attachment 17 - Landscape and Visual Effects Assessment [4.7MB]
​ Attachment 18 - Cultural Impact Assessment [7.3MB]
​ ​Attachment 19 - Summary of Consultation [544KB]
Attachment 20 - Legal Advice [6.5MB]
 ​Attachment 21 - Notification Assessment​ [1.3MB]​

Information Sheet​ - Making a Submission on a Limited Notified Plan Change ​[107KB]​

For further information or a copy of the submission form, please contact us on, or 07 838 6699 (ask for City Planning Unit).​​​

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Last updated 31 August 2022